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A search for 'If Beale Street Could Talk' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in composers
  1. Christopher Beale
  2. Dream Street
  3. Andy Street

4165 matches in tracks
  1. If Beale Street Could Talk (End Credits) (01:42)
    from If Beale Street Could Talk
    Bonus Tracks:
  2. If Beale Street Could Talk (End Credits) (01:42)
    from If Beale Street Could Talk
    Bonus Tracks:
  3. EL BLUES DE LA CALLE BEALE-Piano solo, Jess Stacy (01:35)
    from Great Gatsby, The
    Beale Street Blues (W.C. Handy)
  4. Beale Street Blues (02:54)
    from Cat Ballou
  5. Beale Street Blues (00:00)
    from It's Trad, Dad!
    (Handy) Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen
  6. Beale Street Blues-Piano Solo, James Stacy. (Handy). (01:35)
    from Great Gatsby, The
  7. A2: Street Talk (03:35)
    from Night Shift
    Burt Bacharach
  8. End Sequence (04:08)
    from Britten On Film
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 1–3: Night Mail
  9. End Sequence (04:08)
    from Night Mail
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 1–3: Night Mail
  10. End Sequence (04:08)
    from Tocher, The
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 1–3: Night Mail
  11. End Sequence (04:08)
    from King's Stamp, The
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 1–3: Night Mail
  12. End Sequence (04:08)
    from Coal Face
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 1–3: Night Mail
  13. Allegro molto - all marcia (01:54)
    from Britten On Film
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 27–37: The Way to the Sea
  14. Allegro molto - all marcia (01:54)
    from Night Mail
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 27–37: The Way to the Sea
  15. Allegro molto - all marcia (01:54)
    from Tocher, The
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 27–37: The Way to the Sea
  16. Allegro molto - all marcia (01:54)
    from King's Stamp, The
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 27–37: The Way to the Sea
  17. Allegro molto - all marcia (01:54)
    from Coal Face
    Simon Russell Beale, narrator. Tracks 27–37: The Way to the Sea
  18. Life's What You Made It (04:25)
    from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Talk Talk
  19. Life's What You Make It (04:25)
    from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Talk Talk
  20. Forty-Second Street (00:00)
    from Golden Age Of Hollywood Musical
    From 42ND STREET -- Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell
Show all 4165 matching tracks